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During the last typhoon to hit the Philippines, our people in the creek were transferred to the public school nearby as the creek was flooded. But thanks be to God they were all safe. We continue to help those in most need for medicines and food especially. During this time of pandemic and typhoons many were not allowed to go to our center to work. They are focused on surviving the difficult time. 


During the last two typhoons, our beloved region Bicol was hit badly by the strong floods and winds that destroyed most of the houses. After a week, our community here in Manila gathered some donations from generous friends and neighbors for the victims specifically in Bicol. We travelled more than 12 hours to reach out to those who were affected. 


It was a heartbreaking experience, but a hopeful encounter with the homeless who are in the evacuation center waiting for their relocation area, and waiting for food that can satisfy their hunger, especially that of their children. Amidst their difficult situation, they have great faith that God will provide, and how happy they were, welcoming us with smiles that speak of gratitude and hope. 


I am grateful for the opportunity to see their reality and bring God’s message of compassion and mercy. We continue to keep them in our prayers, entrusting their cries to our Loving God, who is the good Shepherd to all. I pray that many more can be good Samaritans, serving our suffering brothers and sisters.

Sent by Sr Francia Opiana, ACI












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