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The network of Vedruna Schools and Education centers in Cataluna, Spain has started a process to promote learning objectives linked to the UNESCO SDGs.
Think of sustainable cities, gender equality or decent work for all. Look for initiatives that contribute to raising awareness and acting for the good of the eradication of poverty, hunger or quality education. Develop habits and create impacts around climate change, peace and justice or health.
These are just a few examples from the 17 Sustainable Development Goals that all United Nations member states adopted in 2015 as a universal call to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure peace and prosperity.
The SDGs affect many areas but success also implies accompanying the new generations to develop habits that can have impacts in the short, medium and long term. In this way, the network of Vedruna Catalunya Educació centers is promoting a project with a roadmap for the next few years that aims to include the sustainable development objectives in the classrooms of its 36 centers throughout Catalonia. What is sought is to achieve learning, generate impacts and develop habits.

For the centers, this is not new, since their Educational Project has long established a sustainability and pastoral itinerary that includes many of the objectives pursued by the SDGs.


Maureen Foltz 10/25/2020

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